Timothy J Wilson

Data Analyst skilled in SQL, Tableau, R, Spreadsheets @TimothyJWilson10

Data Analytics Capstone Project

The project involved importing 18 CSV datasheets into Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio. The data was then cleaned and prepared for analysis using SQL. Multiple datasets were joined together, and data tables were created, ensuring each attribute was properly converted to the appropriate data type. Once the data was ready, analysis was performed to identify differences between various variables. To present the findings, visuals were developed using Tableau, including scatterplots, dual-axis line graphs, and dual-axis bar charts. These visualizations were utilized to display the analysis results and provide meaningful insights, conclusions, and recommendations for stakeholders to review and make informed decisions.

Making a Data
Visualization in Sheets

Cleaned and analyzed a dataset on applicants for a recruiting agency in Google Sheets, creating views with data to guide decision making through data (applicants per month, average applicants, minimum and maximum functions). Imported views to Google Sheets to clean and format data for use in visualizations. Created various visuals in Sheets, including bar charts, line graphs, and a pie chart, to display data conclusions, to make quick visualization information available to stakeholders.

R Project

DA Project yet to to be determined using R for data analysis and visualization